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Pilz PSENbolt Safety bolt

Pilz PSENbolt Safety bolt

PSENbolt брава за безопасност

The safety bolt PSENbolt consists of a mechanical bolt, handle and various combinable safety switches, which are based on different action principles. This removes the need for expensive in-house engineering. On the one hand the safety bolt meets the highest requirements for defeat and manipulation protection.

оцени серията
оценка 0 от 0 гласували
  • Характеристики

•  Reduced development and installation expense

•  Cost-optimized solution comprising safety switch, handle and bolt

•  Simple combination of up to 2 switches

•  Long-lasting thanks to mechanical protection for safety switch

•  Reduced installation work thanks to the terminal that secures the cable (PSEN b5)

•  Highest manipulation protection and protection against defeat with safety switches PSENcode (RFID)

•  Escape release available as an option

•  High availability: locking pin protects the bolt from closing unintentionally 

Имате нужда от консултация?


  • Съответствие със стандарти

•  EN/IEC 62061

•  EN 60947-5-3

•  EN/IEC 61496-3


  • Основни параметри:
Номинално напрежение 24 VDC
Работна температура - 25° C… + 70° C
Работна височина 0... 2000 м (6561.6 ft)
Сертификати на продукти CE marking
cULus Listed

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