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Pilz Rotary incremental encoder PSENenco

Pilz Rotary incremental encoder PSENenco

Инкрементални енкодери PSENenco

Move safely, stand safely – with the new, safe incremental encoders PSENenco from Pilz you can monitor safety functions such as speed, direction, acceleration and standstill. In conjunction with our safety relay PNOZs30, the configurable small controllers PNOZ m EF xMM and the electronic module PSSu K F EI CV for the automation system PSS 4000, what you get are complete, one-stop safety solutions. Nothing else stands in the way of the safe, efficient operation of your machine.

оцени серията
оценка 0 от 0 гласували
  • Характеристики:

•  Enable the operating modes SS1, SS2, SLS, SOS, SSR, SSR, SDI and SSM in conjunction with all Pilz controllers (PNOZs30, PNOZ m EF xMM, PSSu K F EI CV)

•  Safe position up to SIL2/PLd and safe speed up to SIL3/PLe in the overall solution

•  Choose between square wave signals (HTL) and analogue sin-/cos signals as well as hollow and solid shaft

•  High resolution enables fast reaction times and precision measurement

•  Holistic, one-stop safety solution for motion and position monitoring

•  Simple, fast implementation

•  High flexibility due to scalable evaluation system


  • Съответствие със стандарти:

•  IEC/EN 62061

•  IEC/EN 61000-6-2, -3


  • Основни параметри:
Номинално напрежение 24 VDC
Работна температура - 40° C… + 90° C
Работна височина 0... 2000 м (6561.6 ft)
Сертификати на продукти CE marking

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Ръководител направление „Безопасност на машини“
0888 787 265