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Pilz Absolute encoder PSENenco

Pilz Absolute encoder PSENenco

Абсолютни енкодери PSENenco

The rotary encoders PSENenco are used to determine position and speed. It supplies diverse, absolute position values, which are verified in the software block. The sensor has a magnetic and an optical measuring system. You get two devices in one.

оцени серията
оценка 0 от 0 гласували
  • Харектеристики:

•  Safe evaluation of speed and position

•  The safe monitoring function is transferred to the user software

•  High flexibility when monitoring limit values due to dynamic limit value monitoring in the user program

•  Mechanical rotary cam arrangement is replaced by the safe electronic rotary cam arrangement PSS 4000 (incl. rotary encoder PSENenco)


  • Съответствие със стандарти:

•  IEC/EN 62061

•  IEC/EN 61000-6-2, -3


  • Основни параметри:
Номинално напрежение 24VDC
Работна температура - 40° C … + 90° C
Работна височина 0... 2000 м (6561.6 ft)
Сертификати на продукти CE marking

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