Енергоспестяващ модул за измерване на енергия
Тези модули се използват за прецизен мониторинг на енергия, необходим за намаляване на енергийните разходи. В комбинация с токов сензор-трансформатор, те лесно могат да се поберат в оборудването, което искате да измервате.
Продуктът има интегрирани функции за измерване, визуализация и настройка на параметрите за измерване.
С функцията за комуникация през RS-485 (MODBUS(R) RTU комуникация) може да се реализира комуникация със сървър и функции за енергиен мениджмънт с възможно най-малко персонал.
- Easy and Low-Cost Measurement
• Simple Measurement/Installation
The built-in LCD screen enables the settings, measurements, and displays required for measuring energy with a single unit.
Easy to install inside of the panel by using IEC rail.
MODBUS RTU (RS-485) Communication as Standard Equipment
Providing MODBUS RTU (RS-485) Communication as standard equipment allows you to connect with the functions listed below, and use it for energy management and as a system terminal.
• Host systems (such as EcoWebServerIII*1 or PLC*2, etc.)
• Data Acquisition Software (EMU4-SW1)
• Display device (GOT)
*1: A unit compatible with MODBUS TCP <-> MODBUS RTU is required if connecting with a EcoWebServerIII.
*2: A unit compatible with MODBUS RTU (RS-485) communication is required if connecting with a PLC.
- Expansion by use of Logging and Communication Units
• Logging Unit
Use of a logging unit allows you to output various energy (such as current, voltage and power) data measured by the energy measuring unit in CSV file format on an SD memory card for easy data management.
- Communication Unit (CC-Link Communication)
A communication unit can be connected to the system using CC-Link communication for system upgrades.
- Communication Unit (CC-Link IE Field Network Basic Communication)
A communication unit can be connected to the system using CC-Link IE Field Network Basic communication (Ethernet) for system upgrades.
- Communication Unit (MODBUS TCP Communication)
A communication unit can be connected to the system using MODBUS TCP communication (Ethernet) for system upgarades.
* This unit is applicable to only General current transformer Model (EMU4-FD1-MB).
- Measurement Functions
• High-Precision Measurement
The continuous measurement of energy at sampling cycles of approximately 250 µs allows for measuring even short-cycle loads such as that for spot or solder welding.
* Data of measured values, including power use as well as voltage, current and similar items, is acquired at update cycles of 250 ms.
• Operating Time Measurement
The current measurement time can be calculated in seconds and the equipment operating time can be displayed in hours (h) in order to utilize the data in diagnosing production equipment service life and for performing preventive maintenance.
* Operating time can also be output to the host system as CSV data.
- Support Functions
• Misconnection Determination Support
This function displays items such as current and voltage phase angles, and energy, current and voltage values for each phase. By checking each displayed value, distinction of whether there is a misconnection in current or voltage input used for measuring is supported.
• Test Function
This function enables communication of test data to the host system without voltage or current input. By enabling alarm and pulse test signal output, it becomes easy to check wiring and perform system testing.