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Pilz PSENvip Camera-based protection system

Pilz PSENvip Camera-based protection system

PSENvip защитна система с камера

The camera-based protection systems PSENvip are mobile protection systems. They monitor the whole bending process visually. When installed on the upper die, they detect even the smallest foreign body in the protected field between the transmitter and receiver. This product is characterised by robustness and high machine availability.

оцени серията
оценка 0 от 0 гласували
  • The camera-based protection systems PSENvip include the following two product types:

•  Camera-based protection system PSENvip – the safe, complete solution for press retrofits

•  Camera-based protection system PSENvip 2 – the integrated solution for modern press brakes


  • Your benefits at a glance:

•  Highest level of safety for press brakes in accordance with the most current safety standards and EN 12622

•  Maximum productivity and high machine availability:

•  Innovative optics

•  Cabling work reduced to a minimum

•  Ensuring the shortest shutdown time and the shortest overrun distance due to the Fast Analysis Unit

•  Tolerance to vibration, temperature stratification, reflection, external/ diffused lightSimple handling thanks to

•  Flexible mounting on the right or left of the press brake

•  Settings performed centrally on the web interface on the press brake controller

•  Suitable for tandem presses thanks to detection zone of up to 18 m

•  Hot-plug capability


  • Основни параметри:                                                                                     
Номинално напрежение  5 VDC, 24 VDC
Работна температура 0° C… + 50° C
Работна височина 0... 2000 м (6561.6 ft)

Сертификати на продукти

CE marking

CULus Listed


Съответствие със стандарти

EN 12622

EN/IEC 61508

EN/IEC 61496-1/-2

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0888 787 265