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Решения от експерти


Weintek HMI терминал cMT

Server/Client HMI архитектура от Weintek

Висока гъвкавост със значително подобрена ефективност на работата.

оцени серията
оценка 0 от 0 гласували
  • Поддържа множество платформи

cMT-SVR осигурява най-важните възможности: поддръжката на комуникационния драйвер и процесор за обработка на данни позволяват лесно свързване с машини и достъп до данни. Визуалният интерфейс cMT Viewer може да работи на различни платформени устройства, включително iPad, Android таблети (ARM или x86), Panel PC (Windows OS) и cMT-iV5.


  • Безжичен достъп

Безжичните таблети като iPad или Android не само осигуряват отлична производителност и видимост, но и позволяват на операторите дистанционно да наблюдават работното състояние на машините навсякъде на територията на завода.


  • Modbus комуникация OPC UA (опция).

Modbus е най-широко използваният комуникационен протокол в индустриалните приложения за автоматизация и повечето SCADA системи поддържат този протокол. С Modbus, SCADA системата може лесно да комуникира със серийни устройства в интернет.


  • Отдалечен достъп

С технологията за отдалечен достъп операторите могат дистанционно да наблюдават работното състояние на машините. 


  • Характеристики:

•  Индустриалният сензорен панел cMT-iV6 с вграден cMT Viewer позволява свързване с множество cMT-SVR или cMT HMI серии за мониторинг. Използвайки SD/SDHC карти, cMT-iV6 може да поддържа софтуерни функции като браузър на файлове, медиен плейър, преглед на картини, PDF четец.

•  С размери 9,7” 1024 × 768 сензорният екран е с вграден високоговорител и високопроизводителен 1 GHz процесор, предоставящ изключителни визуални и звукови ефекти.

•  Защитна изолация с индустриална степен, покритие на печатните платки и съвместимост с NEMA4/IP65 преден панел. Подобрена устойчивост на масло, вода и прах, cMT-iV6 може да бъде инсталиран във всяка сурова среда.

•  Сървърното устройство cMT-SVR изпълнява същата задача, както и конвенционалните HMI. То се свързва с PLC, Inverter, Motion контролер и много други контролери, за да изпълнява преобразуване на протоколи, регистриране на събития, поддържане на базата данни с рецепти, изпълнение на макрокоманди и много други. Инсталира се с 3 прости стъпки. Предлага повече от 250 комуникационни драйвера за свързване с различни контролери. 

•  Приложението cMT Viewer осигурява много лесен за използване интерфейс. Можете бързо да промените управляващия прозорец и след това да следите работното състояние на различните машини. Освен това, cMT Viewer APP е интегриран в cMT-iV6 сензорен панел и Tablet PC, така че е изключително лесен за използване, точно както използвате смартфона. Напълно съвместим с PC (Windows), cMT-iV5, iPad и Android устройства.

Model HMI без дисплей cMT-FHDX-820 HMI без дисплей cMT-SVRX-820 HMI без дисплей cMT-SVRX-822 HMI терминал cMT3072X HMI терминал cMT3072XH HMI терминал cMT3072XHT
Display Display N/A N/A 7” TFT 7” WVA 7” WVA
Resolution N/A N/A 800 x 480 1024 x 600 1024 x 600
Brightness (cd/ ㎡) N/A N/A 400 450 450
Contrast Ratio N/A N/A 800:1 800:1 800:1
Backlight Type N/A N/A LED LED LED
Backlight Life Time N/A N/A > 30,000 hrs. > 25,000 hrs. > 30,000 hrs.
Colors N/A N/A 16.7M 16.7M 16.7M
LCD Viewing Angle
N/A N/A 80/60/80/80 85/85/85/85 85/85/85/85
Pixel Pitch (mm) N/A N/A 0.1926(H) x 0.179(V) 0.1506(H) x 0.1432(V) 0.1506(H) x 0.1432(V)
Touch Panel Type N/A N/A 4-wire Resistive Type 4-wire Resistive Type 4-wire Resistive Type
Accuracy N/A N/A Active Area Length(X) ± 2%, Width(Y) ± 2% Active Area Length(X) ± 2%, Width(Y) ± 2%  Active Area Length(X) ± 2%, Width(Y) ± 2%
Memory Flash 4 GB 4 GB 4 GB 4 GB 4 GB
RAM 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB
Processor   Quad-core RISC Quad-core RISC Quad-core RISC Quad-core RISC Quad-core RISC
I/O Port SD Card Slot N/A Micro SD x1 N/A N/A N/A
USB Host USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1
Ethernet LAN 1: 10/100/1000 Base-T x 1
LAN 2: 10/100 Base-T x 1
LAN 1: 10/100/1000 Base-T x 1
LAN 2: 10/100 Base-T x 1
LAN 1: 10/100 Base-T x 1
LAN 2: 10/100 Base-T x 1
LAN 1: 10/100 Base-T x 1
LAN 2: 10/100 Base-T x 1
LAN 1: 10/100 Base-T x 1
LAN 2: 10/100 Base-T x 1
COM Port COM1: RS-232 2W
COM2: RS-485 2W/4W
COM3: RS-485 2W
COM1: RS-232 2W
COM2: RS-485 2W/4W
COM3: RS-485 2W
Con.A: COM2 RS-485 2W/4W,
COM3 RS-485 2W, CAN Bus
Con.B: COM1 RS-232 4W,
COM3 RS-232 2W*
MPI is not supported.
Con.A: COM2 RS-485 2W/4W,
COM3 RS-485 2W, CAN Bus
Con.B: COM1 RS-232 4W,
COM3 RS-232 2W* 
Con.A: COM2 RS-485 2W/4W,
COM3 RS-485 2W, CAN Bus
Con.B: COM1 RS-232 4W,
COM3 RS-232 2W* 
CAN Bus N/A N/A Yes Yes Yes
HDMI Customizable
(max. resolution 1920 x 1080)
Recommended Resolutions
(Please use these
recommended screen resolutions to avoid compatibility issues.)
720 x 480 / 720 x 576 / 800 x 600
1024 x 768 / 1280 x 720
1366 x 768 / 1920 x 1080
Audio Output HDMI Audio Output N/A N/A N/A N/A
RTC   Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in
Power Input Power 24 ± 20% VDC 24 ± 20% VDC 24 ± 20% VDC 24 ± 20% VDC 24 ± 20% VDC
Power Isolation Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in
Power Consumption 850 mA@24 VDC 850 mA@ 24 VDC 850 mA@24 VDC 850 mA@24 VDC 850 mA@24 VDC
Voltage Resistance 500 VAC (1 min.) 500 VAC (1 min.) 500 VAC (1 min.) 500 VAC (1 min.) 500 VAC (1 min.)
Isolation Resistance Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC
Specification PCB Coating Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Enclosure Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Aluminum
Dimensions WxHxD 29.8 x 130 x 115 mm 29.8 x 130 x 115 mm 200.3 x 146.3 x 35.0 mm 200.3 x 146.3 x 35.0 mm 200.4 x 146.5 x 36.0 mm
Panel Cutout N/A N/A 192 x 138 mm 192 x 138 mm 192 x 138 mm
Weight Approx. 0.24 kg Approx. 0.24 kg Approx. 0.6 kg Approx. 0.6 kg Approx. 0.8 kg
Mount 35 mm DIN rail mounting 35 mm DIN rail mounting Panel mount Panel mount Panel mount
Environment Protection Structure IP20 IP20 UL Type 4X (indoor use only) / NEMA4 /
IP66 Compliant Front Panel
UL Type 4X (indoor use only) / NEMA4 /
IP66 Compliant Front Panel
NEMA4 / IP66 Compliant Front Panel
Storage Temperature - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F) - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F) - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F) - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F) - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F)
Operating Temperature 0° ~ 50° C (32° ~ 122° F) 0° ~ 50° C (32° ~ 122° F) 0° ~ 55° C (32° ~ 131° F) 0° ~ 55° C (32° ~ 131° F) - 20° ~ 55° C (- 4° ~ 131° F)
Relative Humidity 10% ~ 90%
10% ~ 90%
10% ~ 90%
10% ~ 90%
10% ~ 90%
Vibration Endurance 10 to 25 Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
10 to 25 Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
10 to 25 Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
10 to 25 Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
10 to 25 Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
Certificate CE CE marked CE marked CE marked CE marked CE marked
UL cULus Listed cULus Listed cULus Listed cULus Listed  
Software EasyBuilder Pro Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in
Weincloud EasyAccess 2.0 (Optional)
Dashboard (Optional)
EasyAccess 2.0 (Optional)
Dashboard (Optional)
EasyAccess 2.0 (Built-in)
Dashboard (Optional)
EasyAccess 2.0 (Optional)
Dashboard (Optional)
EasyAccess 2.0 (Optional)
Dashboard (Optional)
EasyAccess 2.0 (Optional)
Dashboard (Optional)
CODESYS Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
*cMT3072X/ cMT3072XH/ cMT3072XHT: Only Tx & Rx (no RTS/CTS) may be used for COM1 RS-232 when COM3 RS-232 is also used.



Model HMI терминал cMT3092X HMI терминал cMT3108XH HMI терминал cMT3102X HMI терминал cMT3152X HMI терминал cMT3162X
Display Display 9.7” TFT 10.1” WVA 10.1”  TFT 15” WVA 15.6” WVA
Resolution 1024 x 768 1280 x 800 1024 x 600 1024 x 768 1920 x 1080
Brightness (cd/ ㎡) 350 500 350 350 300
Contrast Ratio 500:1 800:1 500:1 2500:1  800:1
Backlight Type LED LED LED LED LED
Backlight Life Time > 30,000 hrs. > 50,000 hrs. > 50,000 hrs. > 70,000 hrs. > 30,000 hrs.
Colors 262K 16.7M 16.7M 16.2M 16.2M
LCD Viewing Angle
60/70/70/70 89/89/89/89 70/70/80/80 88/88/88/88 89/89/89/89
Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.192(H) x 0.192(V) 0.1695 (H) x 0.1695 (V) 0.2175 (H) x 0.2088 (V) 0.297(H) x 0.297(V) 0.17925(H) x 0.17925(V)
Touch Panel Type 4-wire Resistive Type 4-wire Resistive Type 4-wire Resistive Type Tempered Glass, Capacitive Type
Hardness Scale 7H
Tempered Glass, Capacitive Type
Hardness Scale 7H
Accuracy Active Area Length(X) ± 2%, Width(Y) ± 2% Active Area Length(X) ± 2%, Width(Y) ± 2% Active Area Length(X) ± 2%, Width(Y) ± 2% N/A  N/A 
Memory Flash 4 GB 4 GB 4 GB 4 GB 4 GB
RAM 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB
Processor   Quad-core RISC Quad-core RISC Quad-core RISC Quad-core RISC Quad-core RISC
I/O Port SD Card Slot N/A N/A N/A SD/SDHC N/A
USB Host USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1
Ethernet LAN 1: 10/100/1000 Base-T x 1
LAN 2: 10/100 Base-T x 1
LAN 1: 10/100/1000 Base-T x 1
LAN 2: 10/100 Base-T x 1
LAN 1: 10/100/1000 Base-T x 1
LAN 2: 10/100 Base-T x 1
LAN 1: 10/100/1000 Base-T x 1
LAN 2: 10/100 Base-T x 1
LAN 1: 10/100/1000 Base-T x 1
LAN 2: 10/100 Base-T x 1
WiFi N/A M02 WiFi Expansion Module (Optional) M02 WiFi Expansion Module (Optional) N/A N/A
COM Port Con.A: COM2 RS-485 2W/4W,
COM3 RS-485 2W, CAN Bus
Con.B: COM1 RS-232 4W,
COM3 RS-232 2W*
Con.A: COM2 RS-485 2W/4W,
COM3 RS-485 2W, CAN Bus
Con.B: COM1 RS-232 4W,
COM3 RS-232 2W*
Con.A: COM2 RS-485 2W/4W,
COM3 RS-485 2W, CAN Bus
Con.B: COM1 RS-232 4W,
COM3 RS-232 2W*
Con.A: COM2 RS-485 2W/4W,
COM3 RS-485 2W, CAN Bus
Con.B: COM1 RS-232 4W,
COM3 RS-232 2W*
Con.A: COM2 RS-485 2W/4W,
COM3 RS-485 2W, CAN Bus
Con.B: COM1 RS-232 4W,
COM3 RS-232 2W*
RS-485 Dual Isolation N/A N/A N/A Yes N/A
CAN Bus Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Audio Output Built-in Mono Speaker Built-in Mono Speaker N/A Built-in Mono Speaker
Audio Line Out – 3.5 mm jack x 1
Built-in Mono Speaker
RTC   Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in
Power Input Power 24 ± 20% VDC 24 ± 20% VDC 24 ± 20% VDC 24 ± 20% VDC 24 ± 20% VDC
Power Isolation Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in
Power Consumption 1 A@ 24 VDC 700 mA@ 24 VDC 1 A@ 24 VDC 1.3 A@ 24 VDC 1.3 A@ 24 VDC
Voltage Resistance 500 VAC (1 min.) 500 VAC (1 min.) 500 VAC (1 min.) 500 VAC (1 min.) 500 VAC (1 min.)
Isolation Resistance Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC
Specification PCB Coating Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Enclosure Plastic Plastic Plastic Front bezel: Plastic,
Rear Enclosure: Aluminum
Front bezel: Plastic,
Rear Enclosure: Aluminum
Dimensions WxHxD 260.6 x 203.1 x 44.5 mm 266 x 196 x 40 mm 271 x 213 x 38 mm 366 x 293 x 51.5 mm 400 x 263 x 27.6 mm
Panel Cutout 250 x 192 mm 255 x 185 mm 260 x 202 mm 352 x 279 mm 384 x 247 mm
Weight Approx. 1 kg Approx. 1.1 kg Approx. 1.2 kg Approx. 2.85 kg Approx. 1.6 kg
Mount Panel mount, VESA mount 75 x 75 mm Panel mount,
VESA mount 75 x 75 mm
Panel mount,
VESA mount 75 x 75 mm
Panel mount,
VESA mount 75 x 75 mm
Panel mount,
VESA mount 100 x 100 mm
Environment Protection Structure UL Type 4X (indoor use only) / NEMA4 /
IP66 Compliant Front Panel
NEMA4 / IP66 Compliant Front Panel  UL Type 4X (indoor use only) / NEMA4 /
IP66 Compliant Front Panel
NEMA4 / IP66 Compliant Front Panel NEMA4 / IP66 Compliant Front Panel
Storage Temperature - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F) - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F) - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F) - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F) - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F)
0° ~ 50° C (32° ~ 122° F) 0° ~ 55° C (32° ~ 131° F)  0° ~ 50° C (32° ~ 122° F)  0° ~ 50° C (32° ~ 122° F)  0° ~ 50° C (32° ~ 122° F)
Relative Humidity 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing) 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing) 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing) 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing) 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)
Vibration Endurance 10 to 25 Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
10 to 25 Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
10 to 25 Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
10 to 25 Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
10 to 25 Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
Certificate CE CE marked CE marked CE marked CE marked CE marked
UL cULus Listed   cULus Listed cULus Listed cULus Listed
Software EasyBuilder Pro Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in
Weincloud EasyAccess 2.0 (Built-in)
Dashboard (Optional)
EasyAccess 2.0 (Optional)
Dashboard (Optional)
EasyAccess 2.0 (Optional)
Dashboard (Optional)
EasyAccess 2.0 (Built-in)
Dashboard (Optional)
EasyAccess 2.0 (Optional)
Dashboard (Optional)
CODESYS Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
*cMT3092X/ cMT3108XH/ cMT3102X/ cMT3152X/ cMT3162X: Only Tx & Rx (no RTS/CTS) may be used for COM1 RS-232 when COM3 RS-232 is also used.



Model HMI терминал cMT2078X HMI терминал cMT2108X2 HMI терминал cMT2158X HMI терминал cMT2166X
Display Display 7” TFT 10.1” TFT 15” WVA 15.6” WVA
Resolution 800 x 480 1024 x 600 1024 x 768 1920 x 1080
Brightness (cd/ ㎡) 400 350 350 300
Contrast Ratio 800:1 500:1 2500:1 800:1
Backlight Type LED LED LED LED
Backlight Life Time > 30,000 hrs. > 50,000 hrs. > 70,000 hrs. > 30,000 hrs.
Colors 16.7M 16.7M 16.2M 16.2M
LCD Viewing Angle
80/60/80/80 70/70/80/80 88/88/88/88 89/89/89/89
Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.1926(H) x 0.179(V) 0.2175 (H) x 0.2088 (V) 0.297(H) x 0.297(V) 0.17925(H) x 0.17925(V)
Touch Panel Type 4-wire Resistive Type 4-wire Resistive Type 4-wire Resistive Type Tempered Glass, Capacitive Type
Hardness Scale 7H
Accuracy Active Area Length(X) ± 2%, Width(Y) ± 2% Active Area Length(X) ± 2%, Width(Y) ± 2% Active Area Length(X) ± 2%, Width(Y) ± 2% N/A
Memory Flash 4 GB 4 GB 4 GB 4 GB
RAM 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB 1 GB
Processor   Quad-core RISC Quad-core RISC Quad-core RISC Quad-core RISC
I/O Port SD Card Slot N/A N/A SD/SDHC N/A
USB Host USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1
Ethernet LAN 1: 10/100 Base-T x 1
LAN 2: 10/100 Base-T x 1
LAN 1: 10/100/1000 Base-T x 1
LAN 2: 10/100 Base-T x 1
LAN 1: 10/100/1000 Base-T x 1
LAN 2: 10/100 Base-T x 1
10/100 Base-T x 1
WiFi N/A M02 WiFi Expansion Module (Optional) N/A N/A
COM Port Con.A: COM2 RS-485 2W/4W,
COM3 RS-485 2W
Con.B: COM1 RS-232 4W,
COM3 RS-232 2W*
MPI is not supported.
Con.A: COM2 RS-485 2W/4W,
COM3 RS-485 2W
Con.B: COM1 RS-232 4W,
COM3 RS-232 2W*
MPI is not supported.
Con.A: COM2 RS-485 2W/4W,
COM3 RS-485 2W
Con.B: COM1 RS-232 4W,
COM3 RS-232 2W*
MPI is not supported.
Con.A: COM2 RS-485 2W/4W,
COM3 RS-485 2W
Con.B: COM1 RS-232 4W,
COM3 RS-232 2W*
MPI is not supported.
Audio Output N/A N/A Built-in Mono Speaker
Audio Line Out - 3.5 mm jack x 1
Built-in Mono Speaker
RTC   Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in
Power Input Power 24 ± 20% VDC 24 ± 20% VDC 24 ± 20% VDC 24 ± 20% VDC
Power Isolation Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in
Power Consumption 820 mA@ 24 VDC 1 A@ 24 VDC 1.3 A@2 4 VDC 0.9 A@ 24 VDC
Voltage Resistance 500 VAC (1 min.) 500 VAC (1 min.) 500 VAC (1 min.) 500 VAC (1 min.)
Isolation Resistance Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC
Specification PCB Coating Yes Yes Yes Yes
Enclosure Plastic Plastic Aluminum Front bezel: Plastic,
Rear Enclosure: Aluminum
Dimensions WxHxD 200.3 x 146.3 x 35.0 mm 271 x 213 x 38 mm 366 x 293 x 48.2mm 400 x 263 x 27.6 mm
Panel Cutout 192 x 138 mm 260 x 202 mm 352 x 279 mm 384 x 247 mm
Weight Approx. 0.6 kg Approx. 1.2 kg Approx. 2.74 kg Approx. 1.6 kg
Mount Panel mount Panel mount, VESA mount 75 x 75 mm  Panel mount, VESA mount 75 x 75 mm Panel mount, VESA mount 100 x 100 mm
Environment Protection Structure UL Type 4X (indoor use only) / NEMA4 /
IP66 Compliant Front Panel
UL Type 4X (indoor use only) / NEMA4 /
IP66 Compliant Front Panel
UL Type 4X (indoor use only) / NEMA4 /
IP66 Compliant Front Panel
NEMA4 / IP66 Compliant Front Panel
Storage Temperature - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F) - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F) - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F) - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F)
0° ~ 55° C (32° ~ 131° F) 0° ~ 50° C (32° ~ 122° F) 0° ~ 50° C (32° ~ 122° F) 0° ~ 50° C (32° ~ 122° F)
Relative Humidity 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing) 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing) 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing) 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)
Vibration Endurance 10 to 25Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
10 to 25Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
10 to 25Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
10 to 25Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
Certificate CE CE marked CE marked CE marked CE marked
UL cULus Listed cULus Listed cULus Listed  
Software EasyBuilder Pro Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in
Weincloud EasyAccess 2.0 (Optional)
Dashboard (Optional)
EasyAccess 2.0 (Optional)
Dashboard (Optional)
EasyAccess 2.0 (Optional)
Dashboard (Optional)
EasyAccess 2.0 (Optional)
Dashboard (Optional)
CODESYS Optional Optional Optional N/A
*cMT2078X/ cMT2108X2/ cMT2158X/ cMT2166X: Only Tx & Rx (no RTS/CTS) may be used for COM1 RS-232 when COM3 RS-232 is also used.



Model HMI терминал cMT1106X
Display Display 10.1” TFT
Resolution 1024 x 600
Brightness (cd/ ㎡) 350
Contrast Ratio 500:1
Backlight Type LED
Backlight Life Time > 50,000 hrs.
Colors 16.7M
LCD Viewing Angle (T/B/L/R) 70/70/80/80
Pixel Pitch (mm) 0.2175 (H) x 0.2088 (V)
Touch Panel Type 4-wire Resistive Type
Accuracy Active Area Length(X)±2%, Width(Y)±2%
Memory Flash 4 GB
Processor   Quad-core RISC
I/O Port USB Host USB 2.0 x 1
Ethernet 10/100 Base-T x 1
WiFi M02 WiFi Expansion Module (Optional)
COM Port Con.A: COM2 RS-485 2W/4W,
COM3 RS-485 2W
Con.B: COM1 RS-232 4W,
COM3 RS-232 2W*
MPI is not supported.
RTC   Built-in
Power Input Power 24 ± 20% VDC
Power Isolation Built-in
Power Consumption 720 mA@ 24 VDC
Voltage Resistance 500 VAC (1 min.)
Isolation Resistance Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC
Specification PCB Coating Yes
Enclosure Plastic
Dimensions WxHxD 271 x 213 x 38 mm
Panel Cutout 260 x 202 mm
Weight Approx. 1.2 kg
Mount Panel mount, VESA mount 75 x 75 mm
Environment Protection Structure NEMA4 / IP66 Compliant Front Panel
Storage Temperature - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F)
Operating Temperature 0° ~ 50° C (32° ~ 122° F)
Relative Humidity 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)
Vibration Endurance 10 to 25Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
Certificate CE CE marked
Software EasyBuilder Pro Built-in
Weincloud EasyAccess 2.0 (Optional)
Dashboard (Optional)
*cMT1106X: Only Tx & Rx (no RTS/CTS) may be used for COM1 RS-232 when COM3 RS-232 is also used.



Model Gateway cMT-G01 Gateway cMT-G02 Gateway cMT-G03 Gateway cMT-G04
Memory Flash 256 MB 256 MB 256 MB 256 MB
RAM 256 MB 256 MB 256 MB 256 MB
Processor   32-bit RISC 600 MHz 32-bit RISC 600 MHz 32-bit RISC 528 MHz 32-bit RISC 528 MHz
I/O Port Ethernet LAN 1: 10/100/1000 Base-T x 1
LAN 2: 10/100 Base-T x 1
10/100 Base-T x 1 10/100 Base-T x 1 LAN: 10/100 Base-T x 1
SW1, SW2: 10/100 Base-T x 1
(2 port Ethernet switch)
WiFi N/A IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
802.11b: max 15.88 dBm
802.11g: max 11.92 dBm
802.11n: max 11.28 dBm
COM Port COM1: RS-232 2W
COM2: RS-485 2W/4W
COM3: RS-485 2W
COM1: RS-232 2W
COM2: RS-485 2W/4W
COM3: RS-485 2W
COM1: RS-232 2W, RS-485 2W/4W
COM2: RS-232 2W, RS-485 2W/4W
RTC   Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in
Power Input Power 24 ± 20% VDC 10.5 ~ 28 VDC 10.5 ~ 28 VDC 10.5 ~ 28 VDC
Power Isolation Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in
Power Consumption 230 mA@ 24 VDC 230 mA@ 12 VDC;115 mA@ 24 VDC 300 mA@ 12 VDC;150 mA@ 24 VDC 270 mA@ 12 VDC;150 mA@ 24 VDC
Voltage Resistance 500 VAC (1 min.) 500 VAC (1 min.) 500 VAC (1 min.) 500 VAC (1 min.)
Isolation Resistance Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC
Specification PCB Coating Yes Yes Yes Yes
Enclosure Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic
Dimensions WxHxD 27 x 109 x 81 mm 27 x 109 x 81 mm 27 x 109 x 81 mm 27 x 109 x 81 mm
Weight Approx. 0.14 kg Approx. 0.14 kg Approx. 0.14 kg Approx. 0.14 kg
Mount 35 mm DIN rail mounting  35 mm DIN rail mounting  35 mm DIN rail mounting  35 mm DIN rail mounting
Environment Protection Structure IP20 IP20 IP20 IP20
Storage Temperature - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F) - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F) - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F) - 20° ~ 60° C (- 4° ~ 140° F)
Operating Temperature 0° ~ 50° C (32° ~ 122° F) 0° ~ 50° C (32° ~ 122° F) 0° ~ 50° C (32° ~ 122° F) 0° ~ 50° C (32° ~ 122° F)
Relative Humidity 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing) 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing) 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing) 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)
Vibration Endurance 10 to 25Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
10 to 25Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
10 to 25Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
10 to 25Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
Certificate CE CE marked CE marked CE marked CE marked
UL cULus Listed cULus Listed cULus Listed cULus Listed
Software EasyBuilder Pro Built-in Built-in Built-in Built-in
EasyAccess 2.0 Optional Optional Optional Optional



Model Gateway cMT-CTRL01 Gateway cMT-SVR-100 Gateway cMT-SVR-102 Gateway cMT-SVR-200 Gateway cMT-SVR-202
Memory Flash 4 GB 256 MB 256 MB
RAM 512 MB 256 MB 256 MB
Data, Memory, Code 3 MB N/A N/A
Retain area 16 KB (every minute) (Kept after reboots) N/A N/A
Persistent area 16 KB (every minute) (Kept after reboots) N/A N/A
File system 8MB N/A N/A
Processor   Dual-Core 32 bits RISC 1GHz 32-bit RISC 600MHz 32-bit RISC 600MHz
USB Host N/A USB 2.0 x 1 USB 2.0 x 1
Ethernet Ethernet 1:
10/100/1000 Base-T x 1
Ethernet 2:
10/100 Base-T x 1
10/100/1000 Base-T x 2 10/100/1000 Base-T x 1
WiFi N/A N/A IEEE 802.11 b/g/n
802.11b: max 18.01 dBm
802.11g: max 11.02 dBm
802.11n: max 12.20 dBm
COM Port COM1: RS-232 2W
COM2: RS-485 2W/4W
COM3: RS-485 2W
COM1: RS-232
COM2: RS-485 2W/4W
COM3: RS-485 2W
COM1: RS-232 2W
COM2: RS-485 2W/4W
COM3: RS-485 2W
Local bus iBus N/A N/A
CODESYS Protocol Modbus TCP/IP Master, EtherCAT Master N/A N/A
RTC   Built-in Built-in Built-in
Power Input Power 24 ± 20% VDC 24 ± 20% VDC 10.5 ~ 28 VDC
Power Isolation Built-in Built-in Built-in
Power Dissipation Nominal 310 mA@ 24 VDC N/A N/A
Current for Internal Bus Max 2A@5VDC N/A N/A
Current Consumption 550 mA@ 5 VDC N/A N/A
Power Consumption Nominal 310 mA@ 24 VDC 230 mA@ 24 VDC 1 A@ 12 VDC;
450 mA@ 24 VDC
Voltage Resistance 500 VAC (1 min.) 500 VAC (1 min.) 500 VAC (1 min.)
Isolation Resistance Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC Exceed 50 MΩ @ 500 VDC
Specification PCB Coating Yes Yes Yes
Enclosure Plastic Plastic Plastic
Dimensions WxHxD 50 x 109 x 81 mm 27 x 130 x 115 mm 27 x 130 x 115 mm
Weight Approx. 0.24 kg Approx. 0.18 kg Approx. 0.18 kg
Mount 35 mm DIN rail mounting 35 mm DIN rail mounting 35 mm DIN rail mounting
Environment Protection Structure IP20 IP20 IP20
Storage Temperature - 20° ~ 70° C (- 4° ~ 158° F) - 20° ~ 70° C (- 4° ~ 158° F) - 20° ~ 70° C (- 4° ~ 158° F)
Operating Temperature - 10° ~ 50° C (14° ~ 122° F) - 20° ~ 55° C (- 4° ~ 131° F) - 10° ~ 55° C (14° ~ 131° F)
Relative Humidity 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing) 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing) 10% ~ 90% (non-condensing)
Vibration Endurance 10 to 25 Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
10 to 25 Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
10 to 25 Hz
(X, Y, Z direction 2G 30 minutes)
Certificate CE CE marked CE marked CE marked
UL cULus Listed cULus Listed cULus Listed
Software EasyBuilder Pro Built-in Built-in Built-in
EasyAccess 2.0 Optional Optional Built-in Optional Built-in
CODESYS Built-in N/A N/A

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